Comments Posted By Jack of Clubs
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If the current poles are correct and "the one" wins I will not treat him as those against GW Bush have treated him. I will not treat him as those against Bill Clinton treated him. I have never openly disrespected a current occupant of that office. I will in fact have nothing at all to say either as respectful or disrespectful opposition as I will no longer care.

Should the country elect this person with his ridiculously bad pattern of alliances - no need to cite them, we all know what they are - then the country is no longer worthy of any respect or concern. The reflection on the character of a country that would elect such a person will be abysmal and disgraceful. I will have a level of indiference towards the country that will equal my lack of concern for the affairs of New Guinea or Lichtenstein. My long time interest and study of American History will end. My reading of presidential biographies will end at Lincoln as the office will no longer be worthy of concern or respect. My concern with current affairs will end as it will no longer matter. This truly is a tipping point election regardless of your philosophies left or right due to the character and history of one of the candidates. It is difficult for me to comprehend that the judgement and character of the American public is so insidious but alas that appears to be the case.

Comment Posted By Jack of Clubs On 14.10.2008 @ 20:05

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